Music Impacts Meditation

music impacts meditation

Sound or music impacts meditation and provides many benefits to us by enhancing our meditation. It raises our vibrations and enhances our brains to easily accept positivity.

Some music creates a higher vibrancy within ourselves than others. The higher your vibrations are, the more the universe with show and answer to you.

It is safe to say that meditating with music is better than in silence. However, if you prefer to not listen to music, then do not.

Let’s focus on how music impacts meditation and the varying tools available to us. Those who have an affinity for sounds and music will find this article highly beneficial!

This article is all about how sound and pieces of music impact meditation and can help take your meditation to the next level.

How Music Impacts Meditation

This article discusses how sound and music can impact you and take your meditation to the next level.

Music is not a necessity with meditation; however, there is a noticeable difference that many can vouch for when one does have music. In general, we have dealt with music invoking an emotional effect.

Whether the song you have listened to has inspired you, or caused you to feel love or sadness. Music is such a powerful tool.

Due to music being so powerful and its ability to be malleable, it can be used in multiple ways of meditation. It can be used in the background, be the main focal point, or simply can be made by ourselves.

Bear in mind, the music you choose is not meant to relax you.

When meditating, your aim should not be to completely relax you. Your purpose is to reach a point of clarity and peace within yourself.

Whether it is to sort out your emotions or runaway thoughts that will not dissipate. Regulate and realign yourself with the present so that you may keep progressing forward. That is what you should strive for.

I find that the right music will cause me to become hyper-focused on my task. Whether I am meditating to sort my emotions or simply my thoughts.

The right music can put me on a higher plane that was not available to me before. Everything I envisioned and needed to do to ground myself became much closer and easier to obtain. That is what I want for you too.

Is There A Best Music For Meditation?

The answer to this is no. There is no specific type of music that will work for everyone. What works for me might not work as well for you. It is best to explore all your options to figure out what works best for you.

We cannot expect all of us to have the same experiences. I challenge you to figure yourself out. Explore different things. Find what works.

Let’s look at how you can incorporate music into any meditation for the best impact.

Focused Meditation

Focused meditation is when you focus on a singular objective. You are to maintain your attention on it. The purpose of this is to keep your mind from wandering. Music will play multiple roles when used with meditation.

With this type of meditation, music with only instruments or mantra-like lyrics would work splendidly. The trick is to figure out the kind of music that appeals to you and your soul.

I cannot tell you what precisely that music is, for it is unique to us as individuals. As you read this, some may know strictly what music it is.

The music should make you feel good. During meditation, try to stay away from music that invokes too much of an emotional reaction. Anything that could cause you to feel sadness or anger should be steered clear. The central focus of incorporating music is to lift you.

Mindful Meditation

Mindful meditation is one of the most popular secular strains of meditation. It is emphasized to pay attention to your thoughts; however, do not engage in your thoughts or judge them. Just simply exist in them.

With this form of meditation, music that does not include any type of lyrics works best. You don’t want anything to distract you from observing your thoughts and emotions.

Typically, you want soft music with a slower tempo to not override your mind. Instrumental pieces or high-vibration music would be ideal.

I will go into what high vibrational music entails below.

Movement Meditation

A movement is indeed a form of meditation! This is best for those who have difficulty sitting still.

You probably think movement meditation has to do with significant bodily movements, but that is not the case. It is any type of physical movement.

For instance, playing an instrument!

Granted, the instrument being played during this type of meditation should not be complex. It should be simple enough to just exude some form of sound, for your overall focus is not the sound it makes but the movements of your muscle to achieve the sound.

Whether you decide to use a Baoding ball that has chimes inside of them or a small gong, you focus on the movements that make the sound.

Mantra Meditation

Mantra meditation is fundamental in ancestral traditions of Hindu and Buddhist teachings. It is a more uncomplicated form of meditation to adapt due to your focus primarily being on the mantra or chant you will be reciting to yourself during this practice. Music can impact your meditation in 2 different ways.

Either you can play some soft and slow-tempo music while reciting your mantra softly to yourself or lyrical music you would like to recite. In a sense, your aim is to focus on bringing manifestations through the use of words you speak to yourself.

Have you ever heard of a self-fulfilling prophecy?

This is a sociopsychological phenomenon in which our thought process or someone else’s words can dictate and shape our own reality. If you keep telling yourself that you are not good enough, you will become not good enough.

The same goes for others in your environment who paint a picture of you that is not true. The more you hear it, the more you start believing it to be true. Thus, you start fulfilling that prophecy.

If you or someone else is your worst enemy, shake all the negativity away. Either create your own mantra or use someone else’s to lift yourself up. Shape yourself and give yourself a chance!

“Someone’s opinion of you does not have to become your reality”

-Les Brown
Wrapping Up How Music Can Impact Your Meditation

Every type of meditation can be practiced with music. Music impacts meditation on various levels, and there are ways to incorporate music.

The best part is that it is not complicated. Music is made from sounds. Whether you make those sounds with your voice or instruments, it can elevate your practice.

Next, we will go into some beginner-friendly instruments that are easy on our pockets.

Beginner-Friendly Instruments That Create Music For Meditation

Below are 10 of the more popular instruments people use during meditation. If you are interested in any of these, look at some YouTube videos to determine what appeals to you. These instruments have many different price points.

As mentioned previously, the use of instruments aids those that prefer to have some form of movement while they meditate. These instruments are pretty to use and, with practice, can be played mindlessly, thus allowing you to either focus on the sounds they make or the movements of your body.

Below are some instruments I found to be simple and helpful.


This option, as you can imagine, has no cost associated with it. You can either choose to sing or listen to someone else sing. Simply humming or singing notes without lyrics works well too.

Baoding Balls

Baoding balls are an eastern Asian tool for meditation and stress relief. They are believed to stimulate acupressure points on the pals of your hand, thus restoring your Chi flow. Some Baoding balls include an inner chime that plays a soothing sound whenever the ball is moved. These are incredibly easy to use and are one of my favorite tools.


I don’t know about you, but whenever I think of a gong, I imagine one of those huge ones you see in Chinese-based films. They make smaller table top-sized gongs. It produces a beautiful sound. No thought goes into playing this instrument, which allows you to focus primarily on the sound produced or how your body moves to illicit such sounds.

Tibetan Singing Bowls

The Tibetan singing bowls are one of the most popular sound therapy instruments. They create lovely soothing sounds. You could obtain a set of varying sizes or just one bowl. The size of the bowl dictates the sound produced. The larger the bowl, the deeper the sound. This instrument is straightforward to use.


Chimes produce beautiful music. Depending on the size and materials, the chimes are made to dictate the type of sound produced. Chimes are highly versatile. You can use wind chimes, small, simple chimes that can be held in your hands, or a large chime instrument with various chimes assembled. All of which come at varying price points.

Tuning Fork

This is another simple tool that produces sound. The fork comes with a mechanism to tap the fork to create sound. The type of fork purchased determines the note played. Different notes produce specific vibrations at an exact wavelength, also known as hertz (Hz). Hz is simply a unit of frequency.


Drums are another simple instrument that can be used. You can use different types of drums like bongos, ocean, buffalo, etc.


This is another Tibetan instrument. It comes in pairs that are connected by a piece of thread. They make a sound when they hit one another. They are a straightforward instrument to use. When using this piece, your primary focus should be the sounds produced. Not much movement is needed to make the sound.

High Vibrational Music Impacts Meditation

First, I want to explain the concept of vibrational energy briefly.

Let us look at the second universal law, the law of vibration.

Every living organism on earth is comprised of energy depending. The energy level in which the organism functions determines its vibrational level. That means particular demands have to be met to acquire said energy. The higher the vibration, the more energy the organism has.

As you can imagine, we, human beings, want to have high vibrations. Our level of vibration affects every component of our lives.

Whether or not we want to get out of bed or try something new and exciting. It all stems back to how our vibrations look.

Meditation and music are some ways that can help to energize us and lift our vibrations.

Music that helps to uplift you is considered high vibrational music. This music will vary from person to person. Some will find that in spiritual hymns, while others could see it in classical music. There is no right or wrong answer. Music that makes you overly emotional and unstable will not contribute positively to your vibrations.

Solfeggio Frequencies: High Vibrational Music For Meditation

Some traditional music is known to produce high vibration frequencies, such as Solfeggio music. Solfeggio frequencies dated back to ancient history and were reintroduced to society by Dr. Joseph Puleo.

Dr. Puleo discovered that 6 tonal notes were used during ancient times to invoke certain physical and mental well-being aspects. These frequencies are:

UT – 396 Hz – Liberating Guilt and Fear

RE – 417 Hz – Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change

MI – 528 Hz – Transformation and Miracles (Genetic biochemists use this frequency to repair broken DNA. DNA is the genetic makeup of life.)

FA – 639 Hz – Connecting/Relationships

SOL – 741 Hz – Awakening Intuition

LA – 852 Hz – Returning to Spiritual Order

Previously, I mentioned tuning forks producing elevated frequencies. Tuning forks deliver various frequencies, but they do not reach as high. If you endeavor to purchase this tool, pay attention to its frequency to be sure you are buying them for the right intended use.

If you would like to listen to some high vibrational music, check out this Spotify playlist: High Vibrational Music. This playlist has many tracks on it to explore.

Musics Impact On Meditation

This sums up how music impacts meditation. When some hear meditation music, they envision a produced song, but that does not have to be the case.

Music can be anything from a hum to a series of notes produced by an instrument. You can make music anywhere and from anything. Isn’t that exciting?

My personal favorite is high vibrational music. So, I tend to listen to music from either YouTube or Spotify. In case you missed it earlier, here is a Spotify playlist that I use to listen to high-vibrational music.

I have meditated plenty. Meditating with sounds or music will also be my go-to. It is inexplicable how much music impacts my meditation.

If you have not already, I recommend reading a previous blog post, Types of Meditation. This is where I explain more in-depth 7 different types for you to explore and find what works for you. I mention a couple above about how music can impact but learn about others. Please take a look!


The Science Behind Solfeggio Frequencies

13 Sound Healing Instruments for Therapy and Relaxation

Self-fulfilling prophecy

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