Rita’s Treasures Ultimate Gemstone Directory

Welcome to Rita’s Treasures Gemstone Directory – your ultimate guide to the enchanting world of gemstones!

Were you looking at a piece of jewelry and trying to decide which gemstone to get? Choosing the perfect gemstone is more than picking a piece that looks pretty. It is beneficial to take into account the capabilities of the gemstone too.

Look stylish while absorbing energies that can help you throughout the day.

In this comprehensive directory, you will discover a treasure trove of gemstone varieties, each with unique benefits to consider when choosing the stone for your next piece of jewelry! My meticulous selection process ensures that each gemstone gracing our collection is not only stunning but also of quality.

So, let your curiosity be your guide, and let the adventure begin! Welcome to Rita’s Treasures – where the world of gemstones awaits you with open arms.

This gemstone directory list serves as a guide explaining the benefits of gemstones appearing in Rita’s Treasures shop inventory.



▴ Overcomes negative emotions and bitterness of the heart
▴ Heals inner anger, fosters love and courage to start again
▴ Creates a sense of safety and security by dissolving internal tension
▴ Raises consciousness and fosters great strength
▴ Improves concentration, perception, and analytical abilities, leading to practical solutions
▴ Encourages contemplation and assimilation of life experiences, leading to spiritual growth and inner stability



▴ Blocks geopathic stress, absorbs microwaves and cell phone emanations, and protects against electromagnetic pollution (should be placed between you and the source of any pollution)
▴ Calms the brain and nervous system and aligns the physical body with the etheric, maintaining optimum health
▴ Balance’s masculine and feminine energies
▴ Soothes emotional trauma, alleviating worry and fear
▴ Dispels negative energy and aggravation

Hammered copper pendant


▴ Extremely powerful and protective stone with a high spiritual vibration
▴ Natural tranquilizer, blocks geopathic stress and negative environment energies
▴ Strong healing and cleansing powers, and enhances spiritual awareness
▴ Overcomes addictions and blockages of all kinds
▴ Calming or stimulating of the mind, as appropriate
▴ Enhances memory and improves motivation, making you more able to set realistic goals

aquamarine copper earrings


▴ Stone of courage
▴ Calming energies reduce stress and quiet the mind
▴ Has an affinity with sensitive people
▴ Clarifies perception, sharpens intellect and clears confusion
▴ Promotes self-expression
▴ Highly protective during pregnancy and discourages miscarriage

Azurite Malachite

▴ Eliminates egocentric traits and rids of vanity and conceit
▴ Calm your anxieties and promotes flexibility of thoughts and actions
▴ Invites wealth and prosperity in life
▴ Clears away any confusion in life
▴ Helps to give inspiration
▴ Brings love into your life and fills you with love

Black Agate

▴ Encourages courage and prosperity
▴ Highly grounded and fiercely protective
▴ Aims to harmonize the energy in the local environment, allowing positive energy to thrive while removing the threat of negative energy
▴ Alleviates tension in the atmosphere

Black Ethiopian Opal

Black Ethiopian Opal

▴ Known for its joyful and uplifting energy- believed to have a gentle and soothing energy that can aid in emotional healing
▴ Associated with protective and grounding energies
▴ Enhances intuition and provides insight into your life through understanding your emotions and making informed decisions
▴ Supports the immune system, aid in detoxification, and promote overall physical well-being
▴ Brings balance and alignment to your energy levels

Black Obsidian

▴ One of the most potent protective gemstones- it can absorb and transmute negative energies and emotions
▴ Anchor your energy to the Earth, promoting a sense of balance, security, and connection with the physical realm
▴ It helps you trust your instincts and develop a deeper connection with your inner wisdom
▴ Help clear and cleanse the aura and chakras
▴ Powerful meditation and scrying aid
▴ Healers and spiritual practitioners often use it to protect themselves during energy work or psychic activities

Black Sardonyx

Black Sardonyx

▴ Create a strong shield around the wearer, guarding against negative energies, and promoting a sense of safety and security
▴ Boosts physical strength and stamina
▴ Strengthen one’s willpower and help overcome bad habits or addictive behaviors, allowing individuals to focus on their goals and make positive changes in their lives
▴ Sharpens the mind and enhances mental clarity
▴ Provides clarity and confidence

Black Spinel

Black Spinel

▴ Associated with powerful protective energies
▴ Calming and soothing energy can help reduce stress, anxiety, and tension
▴ Assists in overcoming obstacles, staying focused on goals, and making positive life choices
▴ Often used for spiritual protection during energy work and meditation
▴ Assists in breaking free from negative patterns, letting go of the past, and embracing positive changes


Blue Apatite

▴ Inspires innovative thinking and problem-solving abilities
▴ Promotes effective communication and self-expression
▴ Associated with learning and knowledge retention via improved focus and retention
▴ Boosts motivation and drive
▴ Promotes a positive outlook on life

blue coral copper earrings

Blue Coral

▴ Promotes abundance and wealth in all areas
▴ Boosts psychic awareness
▴ Facilitates intuition and visualization
▴ Expedites and accelerates the transfer of knowledge
▴ Dispels fear and insecurity
▴ Brings organization and structure to muddled and time-
challenged people
▴ Quiets emotions and brings peace within yourself

Cobalt Jasper Choker

Blue Jasper

▴ Beneficial for emotional healing and stability due to its nurturing and calming energies
▴ It could be used as an aphrodisiac- via provoking loving feeling
▴ Stabilizes women during pregnancy and helps with the development of the baby
▴ Boosts energy
▴ Stimulates intuition and enhances spiritual insight
▴ Fosters a deeper connection with nature and promotes environmental awareness

Blue Lace Agate

▴ Soothes pain and confusion- peace of mind
▴ Symbol of freedom and serenity
▴ Promotes effective communication
▴ Rids negative thoughts and emotions

Blue Tiger’s Eye

▴ Calming and releasing stress, brings emotional balance
▴ Aids the overanxious, quick-tempered, and phobias
▴ Slows metabolism, dissolves sexual frustrations
▴ Instills courage and boost self-confidence
▴ Sharpens one’s perception and awareness of their surroundings
▴ Provides stability and support, helping individuals navigate through life’s ups and downs with resilience

Calligraphy Stone

▴ Healing stone
▴ Symbolizes spiritual awaken, manifestation of dreams, creativity, joy and tranquility
▴ Encourages optimism and strength during stressful situations in life
▴ Perfect meditation stone
▴ Associated with the third eye, sacral and solar plexus chakras



▴ Promotes fertility
▴ Boosts physical energy levels, enhance stamina, and combat fatigue by cleansing away the day and re-invigorates you
▴ Stimulates love and passion
▴ Encourage positive life choices and promote a more positive outlook on life
▴ Promotes empowerment and leadership qualities


Energizes every level of life
Raises self-esteem and self-confidence
Attracts wealth, prosperity, and success
Imparts joy, wonder, delight, and enthusiasm
Emotionally balancing


▴ Helps meditation and communication
▴ Draws off negative energies of all kinds
▴ Invokes great inner strength
▴ Calms, cleanses, and reenergizes all the chakras and aligns them with the divine
▴ Encourages self-awareness and inner balance and imparts confidence and sensitivity
▴ Enhances personal power and inspires creativity
▴ Reduces mental tensions and helps you to keep a leveled head

clear quartz ball necklace

Clear Quartz

▴ Absorbs, stores, releases, and regulates energy and is excellent for unblocking it
▴ Aids concentration and unlocks memory
▴ Raises energy to the highest possible level
▴ Inspirational properties
▴ Stone of manifestations and promotes a humanitarian attitude, inclining toward service
▴ Deepens meditation and aids communication and self-expression
▴ Increases motivation and builds up energy reserves
▴ Induces openness and social ease, encouraging extroversion, dissolving aloofness and alienation
▴ Helpful for hyperactive and autistic children
▴ Stimulates creativity and intellect, clears confusion
▴ Expands knowledge and truth and eases sorrow, apathy, and anger


▴ Symbol of hope, renewal, and growth
▴ Enhances intuition and ability to access inner wisdom and guidance
▴ Traditionally considered a gemstone of abundance, emerald is thought to attract wealth, prosperity, and opportunities
▴ Associated with spiritual evolution and growth
▴ Calms your mind and nervous system
▴ Aids in emotional healing by bringing balance and harmony to your emotions



▴ Known for its ability to enhance mental clarity and focus
▴ Aids in meditation, spiritual exploration, and connection to higher realms
▴ Supports the respiratory system, bones, and teeth
▴ Ability to cleanse and purify the energy field
▴ Promotes harmonious relationships and improves communication
▴ Beneficial for artists, writers, and anyone seeking to tap into their creative potential



▴ Stone of passion and love
▴ Boosts physical energy levels and enhances stamina
▴ Assists in manifesting one’s desires and goals
▴ Improves blood circulation and promotes cardiovascular health
▴ Improves productivity and mental focus by clearing mental clutter
▴ Deepens your spiritual connection and enhances meditation practices

Simple Antique Bronze Matte Gemstone Necklace Green Aventurine

Green Aventurine

▴ Comforter and heart healer, and general harmonizer, protecting the heart
▴ Brings things back into control and is useful in malignant conditions
▴ Promotes well-being and emotional calm
▴ Brings prosperity and good luck
▴ Reinforces leadership qualities and decisiveness
▴ Promotes compassion and empathy
▴ Stabilizes one’s state of mind, stimulates perception, and enhances creativity

Green Jade

▴ Brings calm, peace, and serenity by balancing and harmonizing the mind
▴ Protects from harm, helps to release negative energies and irritability
▴ Exudes energies of love and compassion and helps to harness these energies
▴ Excellent for attracting friends and healing relationships
▴ Aids in connecting with the spiritual realm and self-realization

Green Rutilated Agate

▴ The green color of this gemstone is associated with growth, renewal, and vitality
▴ Helps to release negative emotions, and reduce stress and anxiety by promoting emotional stability and balance
▴ Enhances communication skills, improves self-expression, and facilitates clearer intuitive insights
▴ Helps to shield against negative energies and promote a sense of safety
▴ Assists you in overcoming challenges and embracing positive changes in their lives
▴ A perfect tool for students and professionals in that it enhances mental focus and concentration
▴ Assists in breaking negative habits or patterns

Green Tiger’s Eye

▴ Helps you to release fear and anxiety and aids harmony and balance-  giving you the courage to move forward
▴ Enhances integrity, willpower, self-confidence, practicality, and correct use of power
▴ Enhances good luck and brings prosperity, often in the form of money
▴ Help one see clearly without illusion



▴ Extremely calming gemstone
▴ Stills the mind and is excellent for sleep or meditation
▴ Teaches patience and helps to eliminate rage and uncontrolled anger
▴ Helps to overcome a tendency toward criticalness and selfishness, strengthens positive character traits
▴ Strengthens memory and stimulates a desire for knowledge



▴ Supreme nurturer
▴ Sustains and supports during times of stress and brings tranquility and wholeness
▴ Used in healing, unifying all aspects of your life
▴ Reminds people to help each other
▴ Aligns chakra, absorbs negative energy, and cleanses and aligns the chakra
▴ Imparts determination to all pursuits. Brings the courage to get to grips with problems assertively and encourages honesty with yourself
▴ Aids quick thinking and promotes organizational abilities and seeing projects through
▴ Stimulates imagination and transforms ideas into action


▴ An extremely spiritual gemstone with a high vibration
▴ Promotes unconditional love, loving thoughts, and communication
▴ Radiates peace and connects you to universal love
▴ Induces a deep and centered meditative state- beneficial for those who find it hard to enter into meditation
▴ Enhances creativity
▴ Strengthens the energy field around the body
▴ It can be used to clear emotional debris and to free up emotions, healing heartache
▴ Excellent for alleviating panic attacks



Has high vibrational energy that aligns and balances the chakras and energy centers in the body by restoring and harmonizing the flow of energy around you
Ability to cleanse and clear other crystals and negative energies
Assists in speaking one’s truth with clarity and confidence
Ideal companion for those practicing meditation
Contains soothing energy of kyanite can help reduce stress, tension, and anxiety
Aids in dream recall and enhance the ability to have lucid dreams
Encourage self-discovery and introspection

labradorite crystal ball necklace


▴ Highly mystical and protective
Raises consciousness and connects with universal energies
▴ Forms a barrier to negative energies (especially those shed during therapy)
▴ Banishes fears and insecurities
▴ Calms the overactive mind and energizes the imagination, bringing up new ideas
▴ Useful companion through change, imparting change, imparting strength and perseverance

lapis lazuli gold statement necklace

Lapis Lazuli

▴ Enhances wisdom and intuition through the stimulation of your third eye
▴ Boost’s imagination and enhances your mental clarity
▴ Shields against negative energies and psychic attacks
▴ Encourages self-awareness and taking charge of your own life
▴ Brings the qualities of honesty, compassion, and integrity to you
▴ Promotes serenity and peace



▴ Beneficial for empaths and highly sensitive individuals by shielding you against negative energies and emotional overload, providing a sense of energetic protection
▴ Balances the energies of the body, mind, and spirit
▴ Boosts self-confidence and self-expression
▴ Supports the throat, respiratory system, thyroid gland, and the nervous system
▴ Facilitates spiritual growth and awakens one’s consciousness
▴ Associated with the throat chakra, which governs communication and self-expression

lepidolite necklace crystal ball necklace


▴ Brings deep emotional healing, soothing and reducing stress and depression
▴ Dissipates negativity and insists on being used for the highest good
Aids in overcoming any emotional or mental dependency, supporting the release of addictions and complaints of all kinds, including anorexia
▴ Clears electromagnetic pollution
Stabilizes mood swings and is excellent for menopause

Malachite and Bronzite Statement Necklace


▴ A protective gemstone that clears away negative energies
▴ Gemstone of transformation
▴ Gives you courage and wisdom
▴ Inspires confidence

Milky Quartz

Milky Quartz

▴ Represents purity and the age of innocence
▴ Purifies the mind and prevents you from exploring the world with preconceived notions or prejudices, allowing you to approach the world with fresh eyes
▴ This gemstone focuses on multiple aspects of your life rather than focusing on a single trait



▴ Promotes intuition and empathy
▴ Filled with receptive, passive, feminine energy
▴ Balances male-females energies and aids men who want to get in touch with their feminine side
▴ Soothes emotional instability and stress, and stabilizes the emotions
▴ Improves emotional intelligence



▴Encourages self-love, self-respect and self-care
▴ Nurturing stone that fills you with love and compassionate energy
▴ Calming
▴ Garners the courage and confidence to face feelings that stemmed from negative energy and to move on from it

Moss Agate

Moss Agate

▴ Strongly connected with nature
▴ Refresh the soul and enable you to see the beauty in all you behold
▴ Helpful in reducing sensitivity to weather and to environmental pollutants
▴ Attracts abundance, stone of wealth
▴ Promotes self-expression and communication
▴ Balance’s emotions, reduces stress and lessens fear
▴ Encourages trust and hope, highly optimistic
▴ Helpful for anyone suffering from depression through life circumstance or brain imbalances, no matter how difficult those circumstances may be, it gives insight into the reason behind them

ocean jasper sphere

Ocean Jasper

▴ Helps one become more positive and comfortable with themselves
▴ Pushes you to achieve joy, happiness and emotional stability
▴ Allows one to express their true self with ease
▴ Urges you to vocalize and move forward from emotional issues
▴ Great stone for couples trying to realign their chemistry

stainless steel onyx handmade earrings


▴ Strength giving- provides support in complex or confusing circumstances and during times of enormous mental or physical stress
▴ Center’s energy and aligns it with a higher power, accessing higher guidance
▴ Promotes vigor, steadfastness, and stamina
▴ Aids in learning lessons, imparting self-confidence, and helping you to be at ease in your surroundings.


▴ Known as the bringer of life and light
▴ Stabilizes your moods and encourages you to release weighty baggage to embrace everything the world has to offer you
▴ Alleviates stress and anxiety
▴ Attracts love and calms anger

Picture Jasper

▴ Connected to the earth and encourages ecological awareness
▴ Brings stability and balance
▴ Facilitates deep meditation
▴ Boosts the immune system, clears pollutants, and toxins from the body, and stimulates the cleansing of organs

Red Agate

Red Agate

▴ Known as the Warrior Stone
▴ Combats fatigue, enhance stamina, and promote physical strength
▴ Tied to passion, self-love, and perseverance
▴ Stops the infatuation for things that aren’t necessary
▴ Helps people to multi-task and juggle commitments
▴ Promotes safety, grounding, and vitality



▴ Stone of compassion, an emotional balancer that clears away emotional wounds and scars from the past, and that nurtures love
▴ Stimulates, clears and activates the heart
▴ Ground’s energy, balances yin-yang, and aids in achieving one’s highest potential
▴ Heals emotional shock and panic
▴ Encourages unselfish self-love and forgiveness

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz

▴ The stone of universal love
▴ Restores trust and harmony in relationships, encouraging unconditional love
▴ Purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace
▴ Calming and reassuring, it helps to comfort in times of grief
▴ Encourages self-forgiveness and acceptance invoking self-trust and self-worth



▴ Brings order and calmness to the mind
▴ Encourages rational thought, objectivity, truth and intuition, along with verbalization of feelings.
▴ Enhances self-esteem, self-acceptance and self-trust
▴ Balances the metabolism, boosts the immune system and overcomes calcium deficiencies
▴ Mitigates radiation damage by absorbing electromagnetic smog



▴ Stone of abundance and good fortune
▴ Highly effective with cleansing the aura- removes hooks from anyone else draining your energy
▴ Surrounds wearer with love and positive energy
▴ Helps to remove co-dependency, overcomes procrastination, and encourages self-empowerment
▴ Helps combat feelings of fatigue and lethargy
▴ Promote harmonious interactions, encourage open communication, and foster a sense of warmth and affection between partners



▴ Associated with spiritual growth and awakening- opens and activates the third eye and crown chakras
▴ Enhances intuition, helping individuals trust their inner guidance and tap into their psychic abilities
▴ Helps to release emotional blockages, promote emotional balance, and bring a sense of serenity and peace
▴ Improves communication skills and enhances self-expression
▴ Beneficial for meditation and mindfulness practices due to its calming energies
▴ Empowers you to align with their higher purpose and spiritual path

Tiger's Eye

Tiger’s eye

▴ Enhances creativity, integrity, willpower, self-confidence, practicality and correct use of power
▴ Enhances good luck, and brings prosperity, often in the form of money
▴ Helps you to release fear and anxiety and aids harmony and balance
▴ Stimulates taking action, and helps you to make decisions with discernment and understanding, and unclouded by your emotions
▴ Decreases anxiety
▴ Promotes emotional healing



▴ Associated with developing wisdom
▴ Represents self-actualization
▴ Provides calming influence- it was believed that the stone connects heaven to Earth
▴ Stone of protection

White Ethiopian Opal

White Ethiopian Opal

▴ Associated with spiritual growth and awakening
▴ Stimulates creativity and enhance artistic expression by stimulating your imagination and enhancing creative visualization
▴ Enhances intuition and psychic abilities
▴ Believed to bring balance and harmony to the energy body
▴ Associated with spiritual communication and connection to higher realms
▴ Believed to support various physical healing benefits

White Jade

White Jade

▴ Directs energy in the most constructive way. It filters distractions, emphasizing the best possible result, and aids decision-making as it pulls in relevant information
▴ Symbol of purity and serenity.
▴ Signifies wisdom gathered in tranquility. It is believed to attract good luck and friendship
▴ Protective stone, keeps the wearer from harm and brings harmony, soothes the mind and releases negative thoughts
▴ Promotes self-sufficiency

Yellow Jade

Yellow Jade

▴ Associated with Fire Energy, which is oriented to identity, ego, and self-definition
▴ Instills optimism, enthusiasm, wisdom, and intellect
▴ Encourages self-confidence, courage, and abundance
▴ Attracts good luck and good fortune
▴ Enables self-sufficiency

Gemstone Directory Remarks

Please note that this is a partial gemstone directory for the gemstones offered within Rita’s Treasures. I crafted this directory to assist anyone who needs help choosing which gemstone for their customized jewelry.

Each picture of jewelry in this directory leads to the gemstone jewelry product listing.

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Wondering how to wear crystal jewelry? Click here.

Learn the importance of keeping your crystals charged and how to do so here.