11 Best Protective Crystals

Protective crystals are an excellent addition to have on you or within your house. Let’s take a look at 11 highly protective crystals and their uses.
This post aims to make it easier for you to choose your next protective crystal. Read about these carefully to ensure you are getting what you need. It is essential to know and understand the crystal you are getting.
For instance, it is not enough to know what the protective crystal is used for. You need to understand how to use them. Crystals need to be cleansed, charged and set with intentions. If you have not already, check out What No One Tells You, How to Utilize Crystals, and Charging Your Crystals Made Easy. These articles offer clear and easy-to-understand explanations of how to use your crystal.
This article is about 11 highly protective crystals and walks you through choosing the best one that fits your purpose.

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black obsidian

1. Black Obsidian

Black obsidian is a very powerful protective crystal. It can repel any negative energies as well as disperse thoughts that are harmful to ourselves. Some other properties include increasing self-control and being very calming. When worn, it encases its user in positive energy.

This crystal is used in shamanic ceremonies to remove physical ailments. It is believed to treat speech defects, multiple personality disorders, schizophrenia, eye disorders, and Alzheimer’s. Experiencing pain? Simply place this crystal over the area to alleviate it.

How to Use Crystal for Protection

For protection, black obsidian is best worn as a necklace or on the right hand. As my article, Fascinating Crystal Jewelry Benefits explained more in-depth, your right hand promotes energy release. If you are using it to relieve any pain, place the crystal on the area of pain. Make sure your crystal is programmed beforehand to do these things.

black tourmaline

2. Black Tourmaline

Black obsidian is a very powerful protective crystal. It can repel any negative energies as well as disperse thoughts that are harmful to ourselves. Some other properties include increasing self-control and being very calming. When worn, it encases its user in positive energy.

This crystal is used in shamanic ceremonies to remove physical ailments. It is believed to treat speech defects, multiple personality disorders, schizophrenia, eye disorders, and Alzheimer’s. Experiencing pain? Simply place this crystal over the area to alleviate it.

How to Use Crystal for Protection

For protection, black obsidian is best worn as a necklace or on the right hand. As my article, Fascinating Crystal Jewelry Benefits explained more in-depth, your right hand promotes energy release. If you are using it to relieve any pain, place the crystal on the area of pain. Make sure your crystal is programmed beforehand to do these things.


3. Labradorite

Labradorite is known to be a protective crystal and highly mystical- by raising our consciousness and connective with universal energies. It deflects unwanted, negative energies from our aura and prevents energy leakage.

This crystal is terrific for those going through therapy because it forms a barrier against the negative energies shed during therapy. This means that once you shed that heavy and negative energy that you were carrying, it cannot come to latch back on to you. It also assists with banishing any fears and insecurities you may have.

How to Use Crystal for Protection

This crystal is best worn or placed over your heart chakra.


4. Kunzite

Not only is Kunzite a highly protective crystal, but it also broadcasts peace. The way this beauty operates is by protecting you and your surrounding environment. So, it repels any negative energy around you and dispels it. Your aura is heavily guarded when wearing this crystal by dispelling unwanted energies.

It works wonderfully by dissolving any attached energies and the mental influences they may have on you. This crystal is incredibly useful when you are dealing with crowds of people. Understand when you are around other people, there is a chance for any of their energies to latch onto you. Having this stone on you repels them.

How to Use Crystal for Protection

This crystal can be worn as a necklace or adorning your right hand. Due to Kunzite’s abilities, you can carry it with you in any form. Having it as a palm stone in your pocket works just as well.

tigers eye

5. Tiger’s Eye

Tiger’s eye is a high vibrational crystal that combines the earth’s energy and the sun. It is a protective crystal to ward against ill wishing and curses.

The crystal is known to bring good luck and prosperity, often in the form of money. It helps you to release fear and anxiety and aids harmony and balance by promoting emotional healing.

When purchasing, ensure that the tiger’s eye has some type of sheen. When you move the stone in the light, you will see a sheen that slightly shifts when rotated. The stripes are light reflective.

How to Use Crystal for Protection

This crystal is best when kept on you. So, either wear it as jewelry or carry it upon you in some form.


6. Amethyst

Amethyst is known to be an extremely powerful and protective crystal with a high spiritual vibration. This crystal is an absolute must-have.

They operate as a natural tranquilizer by blocking geopathic stress and negative environmental energies. External factors such as tunnels, sewers, pipes, mineral deposits, utility lines, and underground water can cause an energy disturbance that leads to geopathic stress. It is believed that this stress can cause a range of physical and psychological symptoms.

How to Use Crystal for Protection

Place this crystal inside your home to create a protective barrier against geopathic stressors. It is also great to be worn or carried with you. If you choose to wear it on your hand, choose the right side. These will even work being worn as earrings.

7. Fulgurite

Fulgurite is an interesting protective crystal. This one is a little more specialized than others on this list. It is an EMF protective crystal but also helps those with electrical sensitivities.

Electrical sensitives include those who tend to have higher electrical energy in their bodies. An example would be someone who always has issues with their phones or computers acting all wonky out of nowhere. Either you or something that tends to be around you are conflicting with the electrical currents. This crystal helps to stabilize your environment.

How to Use Crystal for Protection

Fulgurite is highly brittle. It must be in a safe container if you carry this with you. I do not recommend carrying it around. Instead, place it where you work with electronics.


8. Carnelian

Carnelian is a wonderful protection crystal as it protects its user against envy, rage, and resentment, whether it is your own or someone else’s. In a sense, this crystal protects you against self-sabotaging. It is also great for overcoming any abuse of any kind. Regardless if it is the abuse of your doing or someone else’s.

How to Use Crystal for Protection

Carnelian works best when placed on the skin or near the front door to invoke protection and invite abundance into your home.

9. Miriam Stone

Miriam stone, also known as calligraphy stone, is a protective crystal that protects your physical body and aura. This is done through its ability to recharge and keep you in tip-top shape. It is common knowledge sometimes we get sick due to our body’s exhaustion. Being able to rejuvenate your energy efficiently mitigates those problems.

How to Use Crystal for Protection

This protective crystal works best when you meditate with it daily. It does not have to be super long. Even just a few minutes makes a huge difference. Of course, you can always wear it too, but it is most effective to meditate with it.

10. Pyrite

Pyrite is another specialty protective crystal. Also known as fools gold, this crystal is excellent for creating energy shields. These shields block out any negative energy as well as pollutants such as those that cause infectious diseases such as the common cold, flu, and more. Pyrite is also helpful in relieving stress and anxiety.

How to Use Crystal for Protection

When worn or carried with you, it deflects any harm and danger.

clear quartz

11. Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz is the most powerful healing and energy amplifier known to man. It has the ability to absorb, store, release, and regulate energies around it. It can deflect negativity, making it an excellent protective crystal.

Clear Quartz can stimulate your immune system and bring your body into balance.

Be careful. There are a lot of fakes out there on the market. When looking for clear Quartz, make sure it has some crackle look. You should not have any type of round bubbles in them. Depending on its size, a larger piece of clear Quartz should not be a purely solid, clear glass-like piece. If you have any of these, it is a fake.

How to Use Crystal for Protection

Clear Quartz can be worn or placed where you want it to operate. If you are to wear it on your hand or wrist, wear it on your right hand.

No Matter Which Protective Crystal You Choose

Make sure you are paying close attention to your next crystal’s attributes. Knowing that they are simply considered a “protective crystal” is not enough. As you’ve read here, every crystal has its own specialty. Whether it is a simple attribute or a more specialized one.

This is the first step to finding your protective crystal. Once you choose the crystal that works best for your needs, you will need to understand how to utilize them. It is not as simple as just getting the crystal. Your crystal is alive with energy. That energy needs to be harnessed, and you must program it. Then every 30 days, it should be recharged.

All of that is explained in the articles linked throughout this post.

Now, go forth and find your perfect protection crystals!