Setting New Intentions for 2023 Made Easy

Happy New Year Precious Gems!

We have now closed the door in 2022 and entered 2023. Let’s try setting new intentions for 2023.

Many of you may have made some new year’s resolutions or set new goals for the new year. That is great! You are determined to change some things going into this new year. Some of you haven’t made any resolutions or goals for the new year. It could be due to you being let down in the past on not being able to complete them.

Whether you made new year’s resolutions or not, it is good to start by setting intentions when you seek to make changes.

What Are Intentions?

Intentions help to facilitate your actions taken daily. These actions you take daily can help you achieve your goal. When you set a goal for yourself, you are expected to carry out specific actions to achieve it. It creates a distinct link between what you are doing today to help you shape your future.

Setting New Intentions for 2023

It is not enough to only make new year’s resolutions or goals. Those are only the outcomes you seek. The tricky part is figuring out how you will achieve those outcomes. That is when setting new intentions for your goals comes in!

These intentions lay the building blocks for you.

Have you ever gotten frustrated with not knowing how to complete your goals?

Everyone has gone through this. Plans may be constructed when trying to mitigate any issues with accomplishing goals. However, anyone can feel overwhelmed even when they have a well-thought-out plan.

Setting new intentions for 2023 helps to lay the foundation by giving yourself meaning. Every day you wake up, you should start with the intentions you have set. The purpose is to slowly change our thought processes and habits that are better geared towards the changes that are being strived for.

Write your new intentions down in a place that can be easily accessed, such as:

  • On sticky notes- they can be placed anywhere you frequent, like your desk, computer monit or mirror
  • In your journal
  • Set daily reminders on your phone to display your intentions for the day

Setting New Intention Example

For example, let’s use a popular new year’s resolution; you are trying to lose weight. A plan has been crafted. In this plan, you are to start working out and starting keto (I do not recommend the keto diet. If it is something you are determined to do, please only do it for the short term.). Even though you have a well-crafted plan, you mentally struggle to follow it. You absolutely love bread and find yourself reaching for it without meaning.

Here is where setting new intentions will save the day! Craft some intentions that will work well with your goals, such as:

  • I intend to look at my plan every morning.
  • I intend to walk every day for 30 minutes.
  • I intend to eat celery with peanut butter whenever I crave bread.

While these things are already included in your plan, it helps to start your day with these intentions. They will remind you to place yourself within a particular headspace and to mentally prepare yourself to be in the headspace of doing these actions.

Check out this article here to read more about intentions and learn how to craft your own intentions.

Start The New Year Right!

It is not too late if you haven’t created your new year’s resolution or set any goals for yourself! Try it out and set intentions for yourself that will help you to succeed in completing your goals. Whenever you start something new, to keep yourself on track and create a smooth transition, try to implement intentions specifically for this new endeavor.

Notice how much easier it will be for everything to fall into place!