Powerful Crystals for Sleep

Need some help falling and staying asleep? Did you know some crystals help you catch up on your sleep? There are indeed crystals out there that can help you. Take a look at these crystals for sleep.

But before we dive into the list of crystals that aid sleep, I recommend scoping out your bedroom for these crystals that could be disrupting your sleep. Like there are crystals for sleeping, some disrupt sleep due to their highly energizing energy.

In this article, we’ll explore how crystals can aid you, which crystals for sleep you should use, and how to use them.

crystal for sleep

Crystals Are…

Let’s briefly talk about the science behind crystals. In simple terms, crystals are solid matter made up of atoms in a specific pattern called molecular makeup. Every type of crystal will have a different pattern. This is why some certain crystals have a particular characteristic.

Due to various crystal molecular makeups, it is safe to say they will vary in energy. If you want to read more about the science behind crystals and how to use them, click here.

Also, be careful where you get your crystals. Do not just buy them from any seller. You could purchase a fake or incorrect crystal if you are not careful. An incorrect crystal could be a crystal that has been dyed or modified to resemble another one. This can happen with the rarer pricier ones. Don’t try to skimp on price and buy from reliable crystal shops.

Before Using Crystals for Sleep

There are several things to consider before using your crystals for sleep. Crystals do not have an infinite source of energy. Due to this, recharge crystals once a month- depending on how frequently the crystal is being used. It would be best if you always cleansed new crystals before using them.

Cleansing and Charging

Make sure to cleanse your crystals before use. Especially if you just bought it. You don’t know what type of energies could be attached to your crystal. Then, charge your crystal. These two steps are non-negotiable if you want to use them to their max capability.

For more information about cleansing click and charging crystals, click here.

Where To Put You Sleep Crystal

The location of your crystals matters. So, try these locations unless otherwise specified:

  • Under your pillow
  • Under your bed
  • On your nightstand
  • On you (although I don’t recommend wearing them as a necklace)

If you wear your sleep crystal to sleep, I recommend reading this crystal jewelry guide to help you understand where to place the crystal on you to receive the best benefits.

Some crystals need to be placed in a specific way to unlock certain capabilities. The sleep crystals mentioned below will specify if they need to be placed in a certain way to unlock a particular ability.

Set An Intention

The intention isn’t just for the crystal but also for you. By setting the intention, you are putting what you want to receive into the atmosphere. The crystal doesn’t just taper the energies it puts out; you are being conscious of how you are using the power.

Make sure the crystal energy matches your intentions. If the crystal is being used as your sleep crystal, then make your intention that the crystal’s energy will lull you to sleep. The intention aligns with the crystals’ ability.

Learn the secret to programming your crystals here.

crystals that aid sleep

Crystals That Aid Sleep

The crystals in the section aid in sleeping specifically, whether to recall dreams or put you in a relaxed atmosphere.

  1. Amethyst

    Amethyst can be used to treat insomnia and give revolutionary sleep. It seeks to balance and connect your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Amethyst is a personal fave. It is a powerhouse as far as capabilities go. It is not just used as a crystal for sleep in my home. You cannot go wrong with having an amethyst in your room.

    Another unique ability amethyst has is that it facilitates out-of-body experiences. It also brings intuitive dreams. If you are looking for an answer to something you have been asking, give this crystal a try.
  1. Any Green Crystals

    Green crystals include green aventurine, green tourmaline, malachite, green agate, and others. They are a lovely sleep aid and help to quiet your mind.
  1. Bloodstone

    Bloodstone has a particular requirement to work. To ensure a peaceful sleep, place it in a water bowl beside your bed. The bloodstone can be put on your nightstand or the floor next to you.
  1. Charoite

    Charoite helps you to conquer your insomnia. It is also amazing at giving a calming sleep, especially for those plagued with nightmares; it also works well with children. The correct intention set can give you deep sleep with powerful dreams.
  1. Chrysoprase

    Chrysoprase is fantastic for having a peaceful and relaxing sleep. Wake up the next day feeling fully refreshed.
  1. Howlite

    Howlite is perfect for those that have an extremely active mind. Have you ever tried to go to bed, but your mind just won’t shut off? Well, Howlite helps to still your thoughts, making it an excellent crystal for sleep.
  1. Lepidolite

    Place lepidolite under your pillow to block any sleep disturbances, giving you uninterrupted sleep.
  2. Variscite

    Put variscite under your pillow to bring a night of peaceful sleep and calm your mind. Variscite also helps to replenish depleted energy sources; taking a nap with this sleep crystal can do wonders!

Honorary Mentions

  • Pyrite aids in sleep that’s disturbed by gastric upset.
  • Barite helps to give you a sense of calm and inner peace. This crystal helps you to remember your dreams and decipher any patterns, symbols, and patterns that are present in your dreams.

Final Thoughts

This list of crystals for sleep comprises well-known crystals and some less spoken of crystals. A good night’s sleep is within reach! Remember that some of these crystals have specific criteria to work for you. I highly recommend taking the steps explained to you before using your crystals. Happy sleeping!

Crystal Bible by Judy Hall