The Hidden Treasure: Holistic Health

holistic health is a hiddent treasure you have to search for. once found it is our greatest asset

 Holistic health is all about viewing ourselves as a whole. If you do not adequately care for one area of your life, it bleeds into the other areas.

Sounds simple enough, right?

Well, it is not that simple. We have been conditioned to think that everything concerning us is not related to each other.

What if I told you there is more to it?

Would you believe me if I told you, you could be sick because your obligations mentally weigh you down? Perhaps, you are feeling unwell because you dislike your job that much.

I did not hear about holistic health until the final year of my doctoral degree. It was when I took multiple courses and seminars on alternative medicine. But even then, I did not fully understand holistic health.

This article explains holistic health and how important it is to pay attention to it.

So, What Is Holistic Health?

At first, I assumed holistic health was just implementing natural remedies as alternatives to various medicines. Still, I quickly found that was not true. Natural remedies can simply be a part of your holistic health care.

Holistic health is looking at our bodies as a whole- physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social well-being. An understanding is that your health can be impacted if there is an imbalance in just one area.

Have you ever heard someone tell you that stress makes you sick? They weren’t entirely wrong. In fact, there is research that supports it!

Scientifically, when you are stressed, your body produces more cortisol than it usually would, resulting in your immune system being suppressed. When your immune system is suppressed, you are wide open for some infection.

What is stress?

According to the Mental Health Foundation, stress is the feeling of being overwhelmed, making you unable to cope with emotional or mental pressure.

Your emotional or mental state of being can impact your physical being.

You can get temporary fixes, like medicine for the cold that pops up, but prolonged stress can lead to other issues, such as high blood pressure. Even that leads to more problems.

Holistic health is looking at every facet of your life to figure out a way to overcome what ails you to find the root cause. Sometimes the solution does not lie within just a tiny pill. Your body has the power to heal itself when given the correct tools. Conventional medicine is still beneficial, but it can be used with other alternatives to ensure you get the most out of your treatments.

5 Core Properties of Holistic Health

As mentioned above, holistic health is about improving the overall person as the approach for treatment which includes the physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual components.

Every component that makes you can have an overall impact on your health. Those specializing in holistic health care will consider these 5 properties when evaluating your course of action.


Our bodies generally are the first indication that something is not quite right. It is the easiest way to tell, even in denial, that something is quite right with us. Eventually, you cannot ignore what is in front of you.

It can manifest as being unable to sleep, losing or gaining weight, having a cold, or so much more. Our first thought is to get something to try fixing the issue. Next time this happens, take some time to reflect upon yourself, look for what caused these changes, and seek how to improve them.

Something we can also be actively doing daily to support our physical health is:

Get adequate rest

I won’t say always strive for 8 hours of sleep because everyone is built genetically differently. Some do not need 8 hours, and some need more.

Did you know that your optimal sleep schedule can vary based on genetics?

Personally, I am a night owl. I work best at late hours and do not fit the conventional norm. I don’t function well, forcing myself to sleep and wake up early.

Learn about yourself.

Healthy Eating

I know this is easier said than done. You do not have to make the change right away. Slowly implement this into your daily life.

Strive to eat more plant-based foods, organic animal products, and less fried and processed foods

Limit eating out! Start doing it only once a week and see if you can cut it back further. There is a reason why eating out is so delicious. It’s because of all the unhealthy fats and sodium in the food.

Avoid excessive alcohol consumption.

There is nothing wrong with enjoying a nice drink every once in a while. However, consuming alcohol daily can be deadly in the long haul of its long-term effects on your liver.

Alcohol also increases the risk of weight gain.

Avoid smoking

This is self-explanatory. For years, research has been conducted about the adverse effects of smoking on us. Smoking cessation is available for everyone. Please seek help.

Incorporate some form of physical activity

You do not have to do hardcore workout regimens; even brisk walking is healthy. It is my go-to. Just some form of movement for at least 20 minutes a day.


Over the years, the emphasis on mental health has improved tremendously. I am so proud of everyone that pushed to make this happen. I am so proud of you for considering your mental health.

It is an integral part of who we are. Our cognitive mental functions are impacted by how our brain operates. Not understanding our brain will affect us as a whole.

I challenge you to learn about that part of yourself. Understand how and why you think the way you do. Once you gain that clarity, then your behaviors become predictable. You’ll be able to help yourself by avoiding specific scenarios because you know yourself.

Try these out:

  • I spent the first couple of blog articles talking about meditation. If you have not read them, please do yourself justice by taking time for yourself. You can find those articles here.
  • Keep your mind active! Learn something new, find a new hobby, and practice an existing one. Me, I love making things, whether it is a piece of jewelry, home decor, or furniture. I strive to learn new techniques.
  • Check out WTF Am I Doing?!: Mindfulness Workbook. This workbook explains in depth what mindfulness is and some of the subjects surrounding it. Learn how you can be mindful of just about any type of activity!
  • Don’t become lost in mundane sleep, eating, and work schedules. Experience yourself!


You may be thinking: isn’t mental and emotional health the same thing? The simple answer is no.

Mental Health is how your mind processes and understands experiences and new information. Emotional health is your ability to manage and express your emotions. Regardless of what you’ve experienced and learned.

  • Therapy and counseling are for everyone and anyone.
    • Therapy is a great way to establish healthy emotional well-being.
    • You do not have to wait until something is overtly wrong to seek help.
    • There is something magical about having someone unbiased and knowledgeable to speak with and receive recommendations.
  • Practicing mindfulness to reduce daily stressors
    • I cannot recommend this tactic enough; it has changed my life for the best.
  • Keep a journal
    • This one will not be appealing to everyone. Still, if it is, this is another fantastic way to promote emotional stability.
    • It can also help you to realize when something has changed or if there is an issue early.
    • Record how your thoughts and feelings.
    • Keep your positivity high by writing what you are thankful for and what you love about yourself.
    • Check out my guided journal Check-In With Yo’self. Prompts are given to you to stimulate your mind and practice mindfulness.


Naturally, we are social creatures. We are happiest when we have deep connections with those we care about. Having a deep sense of community and support does wonder for everyone.

  • Don’t be afraid to smile and greet others at the store.
    • I even go as far as to compliment others whenever I get the chance. Sometimes it sparks a small conversation, and making another person smile feels good.
  • Become involved in the community! Whether it is through volunteer work, clubs, community events, etc.
  • Limit your exposure to people that drain your energy or are toxic. Don’t be afraid to set boundaries or completely walk away from them.


When I mention spirituality, I am not talking about religion. While they go hand in hand, it is possible to be spiritual and not religious. Here I am focusing on the connection of your soul with the universe.

I find that spirituality is correlated with the energies of the world. Your ability to be able to connect with and utilize them. There are some simple ways to support and nurture your spiritual health:

  • Nature
    • Spend some time in nature. Take a walk on a park trail, go hiking, bird watching, or anything along those lines.
    • Simply exist with nature. Try to clear your mind and bask in the present moment.
  • Meditation
    • Connect with yourself
    • You do not have to meditate for a long time. A short 5-minute meditation does wonders!
    • Focus on the energy and the world around you rather than your thoughts or breathing.
  • Religion
    • If you are religious or practice a particular faith, practicing your faith can strengthen your spiritual well-being.

Do not try to force it. You will be disappointed if you do. Repetition is key to becoming comfortable and proficient. Over time you will be able to feel the noticeable difference within yourself.

The Power of Holistic Health

Now that you know the 5 core principles of holistic health, can you see how they all tie together?

When our 5 cores are healthy, we are full of energy and ready to unleash ourselves to the world. However, when we neglect any of those cores, we become imbalanced. Physical well-being will always be impacted. It is the 1 core that is most noticeable when there is an imbalance.

We can hide our mental, emotional, social, and spiritual well-being from others and ourselves. But there is only so much hiding you can do with your body. Denial can only go so far.

The longer an issue with our cores, the more severely we can be impacted. It will also manifest in some way. That is why it is so crucial for everyone to know and understand what holistic health is.

The sooner we understand how we operate, the sooner we can cater to ourselves adequately.

Holistic Health Is Us at Its Core

I like to say holistic health is us at its core. Those 5 principles make us who we are.

I hope you understand why I emphasize meditation. Meditation is a great practice to use to see ourselves fully. It grounds us in the present. So that we may look at ourselves without the past or future looming over us.

Guided meditations will sometimes focus on self-exploration. Please, do not shy away from these! There is a reason why so many do this practice. It may be foreign or awkward, but this helps you finally see yourself.

Recognize and acknowledge how you are doing without being able to trick yourself.

I tricked myself and those around me for years, but there is a sense of relief when you come to terms with yourself. There is even more remarkable power when we acknowledge and use it to grow.

Learn to live holistically. Holistic living is about fully integrating these core principles into our daily lives. Check out my article introducing holistic living here.

Below are some references I found to be helpful and great information for those who want to read more. I invite you to look more into holistic health.

Holistic health is considered a hidden treasure that can change your life.


What is Holistic Health Care, anyway?


What are the five areas of Holistic Health Care?

What is Holistic Health?