Secrets to Programming Crystals Unveiled

Programming crystals is one of the most crucial steps to unlocking their astonishing power. However, there are a few things that need to be taken into consideration before you can accurately program crystals.

This article will explain the necessary actions to be taken to be able to program your crystal and use its new potential.

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programming your crystal

Before Programming Your Crystal

Regardless of how you choose to program your crystals, some key factors must be taken into consideration. Read each section carefully. For this to work, you have to prepare your crystals first.

You may be wondering what the big deal is. Well, think of crystals as a battery-operated devices. They are both the batteries and the device. Batteries contain energy used to power the device while the device carries out the action.

Let’s first go over how crystals relate to batteries. Crystals carry energy. If the crystal uses up all the energy, then it will no longer be able to work as it did before. Therefore, it needs to be periodically recharged, just like rechargeable batteries.

Crystals also serve as battery-operated devices because different types of crystals do various things. For instance, Tiger’s Eye is widely known for enhancing good luck, courage, and integrity. On the other hand, Rose Quartz is widely known to cultivate love, trust, and harmony. These crystals hold entirely different energies. Once the energy in these crystals runs out, it will no longer function in those capacities.

All in all, every battery-operated device has its purpose. They do not all do the same thing, but one thing they have in common is the need for energy to be replenished to keep functioning. Luckily crystals are rechargeable, and there are multiple ways to recharge them!

Figure Out the Attributes of the Crystal Align with Your Purpose

Crystals contain various attributes, and it is vital to know what they are before attempting to program your crystal. If you try to program your crystal with a task it cannot do, it simply will not work. It is like trying to use a TV remote on your Bluetooth speaker.

If you have a problem with communicating with people efficiently, you will not program a green aventurine cause it won’t work. You would need a crystal like aquamarine. Every crystal has its set energy that is compatible with specific traits.

Here are some articles you can use as a reference for trying to find the crystal that fits your needs:

If you plan to program your crystal to be worn, I recommend reading, Fascinating Crystal Jewelry Benefits. This article explains the different effects the programmed crystal’s location can have on you.

program your crystal

Properly Prepare Your Crystal

Once you have chosen your crystal to be programmed, you must prep it. There are 2 vital actions to be taken. The first is to cleanse your crystal and then charge it. Neither of these can be skipped.

When you buy a new crystal, you do not know what type of energy can be attached to it or if there is some programming it has already been through. It is also hard to gauge how much energy the crystal has. It is crucial to work with a blank, fully energized crystal.

Starting with cleansing and charging the crystal leaves no room for mishaps. Once you program your crystal, it will be ready to do as you bid.


There are 4 ways to cleanse your crystal.

  1. Running Water

Hold the crystal under running water for about 1 minute while rubbing your fingers over the crystal. If you choose this method for cleansing crystals, make sure the crystal you are cleansing can be in the water. Some crystals, such as those that end with -ite, can melt or disintegrate in water.

Example -ite crystals are Selenite, Calcite, and Fluorite.

  1. Sage

This is my go-to method for cleansing crystals. I regularly have sage on hand in my house. Sage is excellent for cleansing things and areas. Light your sage to get it to start smoking- like incense. Once your sage is ready, allow the smoke to touch your crystals. You can do this by holding your crystal in one hand and the sage in the other.

Place the crystals on a flat surface if you have more than one piece. While holding your sage in one hand, you can fan the smoke onto the crystals with the other.

  1. Palo Santo

Can’t stand the smell of sage? I love the way Palo Santo smells! You can get a small bag of these from Five Below in the incense aisle. This is my favorite because it is an alternative for those that live in an apartment. No worries if it does not get much sun or moonlight.

  1. Other Crystals

Crystals such as clear quartz, carnelian, and selenite are great for cleansing crystals. This is exceptionally great for cleansing delicate and friable stones. However, following the cleansing, these crystals may need to be cleaned. Due to selenite being a delicate crystal, you must be a little more creative. I use it to cleanse other crystals and then use my carnelian to cleanse the selenite. Although carnelian is considered self-cleaning, I recommend cleansing it after cleaning other crystals.


Here are 3 ways to charge your crystals. How you use the crystals dictates how often they should be recharged. If you use it frequently, daily, or every couple of days, I recommend restoring it every 30 days. If you do not use it frequently, you can recharge your crystals every 60 to 90 days. Use your best judgment.

  1. Dirt or Soil

    Yup, you read that right! Using regular dirt or soil from the earth (or bought from the store) is a budget-friendly method of charging crystals. This method is excellent for those on a budget. Bury it in the dirt or soil and let it sit for 24 hours.

    Check out my Soil Crystal Charging Station DIY here. It’s one of the easiest and cheapest charging stations you can make!
  2. Moonlight

    There is just something special about moonlight that assists with charging crystals.

    This method does not have to sit out directly under the moon. Preferably, you want to do this on the night of a full moon. Do not worry about clouds in the sky, for it will not matter. It’s just something about the moon that changes everything around it through the night.

    Place your crystals on the window sill or your patio/balcony, and let the magic occur.
  3. Sunlight

    This is a powerful method for charging crystals. On a nice sunny day, you can leave your crystal on a window sill or a balcony/patio that gets direct sunlight or go outside with your crystals when possible.

    I live in a highly shaded area with many trees, so I make time to go on a walk with my crystals exposed to sunlight. Please do not leave your crystals too long in the sun, for they will eventually begin to fade. The sun is potent. I would not expose it to sunlight for more than an hour at a time.
program crystal

Program Your Crystal

Now you are ready to program your crystal.

By now, you know what your crystal can do. It has been cleansed and charged. The last stage is to proceed with programming it. This is a simple task.

Programming your crystal is really just setting your purpose for it and speaking it into the crystal. Every crystal has set capabilities by programming it to focus on specific abilities and the energies of those capabilities.

For better understanding, think about your cellphone. If you have 15 apps open and running in the background, your device slows down. It is not powerful enough to function to the highest capability due to the amount of energy usage stretched across the various apps. But if you close the unnecessary apps, your device can focus on the few apps that you need. The same goes for crystals.

By programming your crystals to focus on particular abilities, you also strengthen the energy it puts into them by limiting their expenditure.

To program your crystal:

  1. Hold your crystal of choice in your hand.
  2. Talk into the crystal about your purpose for it. Please make sure you are confident in your words and that they are absolute. Envision what you want the crystal to do for you. (Remember it has to be within the scope of the crystals capabilities)

Additional Advice for Programming Crystals

How you choose to perform the programming is up to you. Personally, I sit in my relaxation corner and hold the crystal close to my mouth and speak into it. Almost as if I am whispering sweet nothings into its ears.

It is all a matter of preference. If you enjoy meditating (I highly recommend meditation to everyone, it is so good for you!), use the action of programming your crystals as your meditation exercise. Focus your mantra for crystal programming. It is incredibly relaxing.

Additional Resources

Charging Your Crystals Made Easy

What No One Tells You About, How To Utilize Crystals