3 Frequently Asked Crystal Questions

There are so many crystal questions out there. Some crystal questions are oddly specific, while others can be pretty broad.

In this article, I seek to answer some of these questions on the internet. Every crystal question deserves an answer. We are going to start with some more commonly asked questions. This article does not answer every question as there will be a part 2 soon.

So, let’s get started!

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moss agate

What Crystals Should I Have on Me?

There are no wrong or right answers about which crystals you should carry. This is all a matter of preference and need. Understand the answer to this crystal question can vary.

When figuring out what crystals you should carry on yourself, the best crystal question is, what do I want out of the crystal I carry?

Are you looking for protection? Or maybe you are looking to have more energy. Perhaps you are going out with friends and want some assistance with your communication. Whatever the case may be, start there first. Figure out your why.

From there, you can find which crystal you should carry with you.

If you are looking for:

Crystals contain their own energies and properties. It is essential to know why you want to carry around a crystal. No one crystal fits all.

Can You Wear Crystals Daily?

This crystal question is slightly similar to the one above. Almost any crystal can be worn daily, especially the ones provided above. Bare in mind that there are some crystals out there that are not recommended to wear daily. Or to be in contact with you throughout the day.

A prime example is the Herkimer diamond. While it is a beautiful alternative (in price) to regular diamonds, it is not recommended to wear for extended periods. Primarily due to the energy these crystals hold. This crystal deals with the energy that is spiritual in nature. Only wear for short periods to avoid overstimulating yourself.

Another crystal that is not adapted to wearing daily is selenite. This is due to how soft and soluble it is. Selenite is a 2 on the Mohs scale, meaning that it is very soft and can melt over time through constant exposure to liquid.

For information on how to best wear crystal jewelry, check it out here.

crystal question

Can I Put Crystals in My Bra?

Out of all the crystal questions I have come across this one has made me giggle. I have carried plenty of things in my bra at some point. However, I have never thought to carry my crystals in them!

The most important and blazingly obvious factor when considering carrying a crystal in your bra, make sure the crystal of choice has no negative side effects to extended direct skin contact. For instance, crystals such as hydroxyapatite, fluorite, pyrite, and cinnabar. Some of these crystals you may have heard before while others you have not.

Crystals are more than just rock. They are compounds of varying matter within a certain environment that allows them to form. With that in mind, sometimes crystals are comprised of matter such as fluorine or mercury which can be harmful due to the skin’s ability to absorb it. Understand in your bra it can get warm and sometimes moisture forms. So, while it may be safe to wear a crystal as a piece of jewelry, it may not be exactly safe to place it within your bra where there will be friction and heat.

For example, fluorite is a crystal form made of calcium fluoride, when calcium and fluorine are bound together. The compound itself is not toxic, but fluorine by itself is highly toxic. Fluorite is a fairly soft crystal. It is a 4 on the Mohs scale (for reference your fingernail is a 2.5) and soluble. Meaning in the right type of environment fluorite can be broken down. If the fluorite starts to break down or dissolve in your bra then the fluorine is exposed and absorbed by the skin. This can lead to some unfavorable outcomes with repeated exposure.

If you are looking to house a crystal in your bra focus on hard crystals like the quartz family. Make sure the crystal is smooth to not cause any discomfort too!

Do You Have Any Other Crystal Questions?

There will be part 2 of random crystal questions later on down the line. Do you have any questions in particular about crystals? Feel free to comment down below or reach out to me through my contact page.

It is so important to understand how crystals work and why you need to understand them. It is not as simple as simply grabbing a crystal and wearing it. That is not how you can reap the benefits. If you would like to learn more about what crystals are and how to unlock their full potential, check out my crystal articles here!