Caring for Copper: Tips & Tricks

Caring for copper couldn’t be easier! This comprehensive copper care guide expands upon the understanding of copper, a timeless and versatile metal known for its warm, rustic allure. Whether you have a collection of copper jewelry, crafts, cookware, or architectural features, proper care is essential to maintain their natural luster and beauty. Maintaining your copper is important when you own a piece of copper jewelry; this guides methods to apply to copper jewelry care.

In this guide, we’ll delve into the best practices and tips to ensure your copper items stand the test of time and continue to shine brightly. Welcome to my ultimate copper care guide!

All About Copper… Before We Get Into Copper Care

Whether contemplating purchasing copper or presently possessing some pieces, you must create a fundamental connection or love with said metal. Establishing a connection invokes the passion and drive to maintain your piece in peak condition. Here, I present intriguing and delightful insights about the cherished metal – copper.

Copper has a rich history that spans millennia, and its use in various applications has endured through the ages. From ancient artifacts to modern-day decor, this metal’s appeal lies in its striking appearance and exceptional conductivity and durability. However, like all metals, copper is subject to oxidation and tarnish over time, which can diminish its brilliance.

Did you know the Latin name for copper is ‘cuprum’?

Copper care consists of regular cleaning and maintenance essential to preserve your copper possessions’ radiant glow. But fret not! The care process is straightforward, and with a bit of attention, you can easily keep your copper items looking their best.

Why Copper Needs Some Love

You see, copper is a bit like that friend who loves to shine at the party but sometimes needs a hand getting ready. Over time, it can develop a patina – a beautiful greenish-brownish coating that’s like a fine wine for copper. Some people love it, but if you prefer the bright, shiny look, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get cleaning with this copper care guide!

Copper Care Guide

Unlock the Shine: Cleaning Your Copper Treasures

Do you know that feeling when your favorite copper piece loses its luster? Well, fear not, because today, we’re diving into the art of cleaning copper! Whether it’s your grandmother’s cherished copper pot or a stunning handmade copper bracelet, giving your copper items a little TLC can make them sparkle like new.

Gather Your Copper Cleaning Arsenal

Before you start your copper care, assembling your copper-cleaning dream team is essential. You’ll need a few trusty sidekicks for this adventure:

  • Lemon and Salt: A lemon’s natural acidity combined with salt is a dynamic duo for tackling tarnish.
  • Ketchup: Yes, you read that right! The tomato-based goodness in ketchup can do wonders for copper.
  • Vinegar: This kitchen staple is a secret weapon against tarnish and patina.
  • Commercial Copper Cleaners: Plenty of copper-specific cleaners are available if you’re looking for a no-fuss solution.
  • Microfiber Cloth: A soft, gentle cloth is your copper’s best friend – it won’t scratch the surface.

Cleaning Copper the Natural Way

Let’s start with a bit of DIY magic. Say hello to the lemon and salt duo. Cut a lemon in half and sprinkle it with some salt. Now, rub your copper piece with the lemon like you’re giving it a spa treatment. Rinse it off and pat it dry – voilà, instant shine! Natural cleaning alternatives are fantastic for copper jewelry care.

Now, about that ketchup – it’s not just for fries! Apply a thin layer of ketchup to your copper item, let it sit for a few minutes, and then scrub gently with a soft cloth. The acids in the tomato work like a charm. Rinse and dry to reveal the brilliance.

Vinegar: Your Copper’s New BFF

If your copper requires some extra love, vinegar is here to save the day. Mix equal parts vinegar and water in a bowl, dip your cloth in the solution, and gently rub down your copper. Rinse, dry, and bask in its gleaming glory.

Commercial Copper Cleaners: The Easy Way Out

Sometimes, we’re all about convenience, and that’s where commercial copper cleaners come into play. These specialized products are designed to make your life easier. Just follow the instructions on the label, and your copper will thank you for the spa day.

Maintaining That Copper Charm

Cleaning is just the first step of copper care; maintaining that copper charm is equally essential. Consider applying a thin layer of clear lacquer to your copper items to prevent tarnish and patina from making a comeback. It acts as a protective shield without hiding that stunning shine.

Remember, though, that lacquer needs to be reapplied over time, so keep an eye out for any signs of wear and tear. And please, don’t use abrasive materials like steel wool or harsh chemicals – they can harm your beloved copper pieces.

A Final Word on Copper Cleaning

Cleaning copper isn’t just about restoring shine; it’s about preserving the stories and memories attached to these treasures. Each piece holds your personal history or perhaps a family tradition. So, the next time you see your copper losing its sparkle, you know exactly what to do – embrace the art of cleaning copper with a smile!

How to Shine Your Copper

When your copper loses its shine, follow these simple steps to return its luster.
Prep Time5 minutes


  • Dish Soap
  • Soft Cloth or Sponge
  • 1 TBS Lemon Juice or Vinegar
  • 1 TSP Salt
  • Sealant (Optional)


  • Prepare a solution of warmwater and a few drops of mild dish soap. Dip your jewelry into soapy water orgently use a soft cloth or sponge to clean the piece. Be cautious not to scrubvigorously to avoid damaging delicate elements.
  • Rinse the jewelry under coolrunning water to remove any soap residue. Pat the piece dry with a soft, cleancloth. Ensure it's completely dry before proceeding.
  • Create a mixture of lemonjuice or vinegar and a pinch of salt. You can also mix lemon juice with bakingsoda to form a paste. Gently rub the mixture onto your jewelry using a softcloth or sponge. The mild acidity helps lift the tarnish and restore shine.
  • Rinse the jewelry under coolwater to remove any lemon juice or vinegar residue.Carefully dry your jewelrywith a clean, soft cloth. Take your time to buff the piece, allowing itsbrilliance to emerge gently.
  • Optional: Consider applying aclear jewelry sealant to extend the shine and minimize future oxidation. Followthe manufacturer's instructions for application.


Remember: Keep your copper jewelry dry and avoid exposing it to moisture as much as possible. Store your jewelry in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and humidity.
If your piece contains gemstones, pearls, or intricate designs, exercise extra caution to avoid affecting these elements. By investing a little care and attention, your copper jewelry will continue to radiate its exquisite shine, captivating you and admirers alike.
Witness the effects lemon juice and salt have on copper rings.
Bright Copper, Copper Care Success

Keeping Tarnish at Bay

You’ve got that beautiful copper jewelry or that stunning set of copper pans, and you want to keep them shining like the sun. Well, you’re in the right place! Today, let’s discuss the art of copper care- preventing copper tarnish.

Understanding the Copper-Tarnish Tango

Before we dive into prevention, let’s get cozy with the enemy: tarnish. That dull, brownish coating on your copper is like a sneaky ninja. It’s caused by a natural process called oxidation, where copper reacts with moisture, air, and sometimes even your skin’s oils. But worry not; we’ve got ways to outsmart it in this copper care guide.

A Little Wax Magic

One trick to keeping your copper gleaming is good old wax. No, we’re not suggesting you turn your copper pan into a candle. Instead, grab some clear car wax. Apply a thin layer, dry it, and then buff your copper piece with a soft cloth. This creates a protective barrier that the tarnish can’t penetrate.

Lemon and Salt: Not Just for Your Margarita

Remember the lemon and salt duo from our copper cleaning adventure? Well, they’re back, but they’re on the prevention squad this time. After cleaning your copper, rub it with half a lemon dipped in salt. It’s like giving your copper a superhero shield against tarnish.

The Power of Olive Oil

Olive oil – it’s not just for salads! A light coating of olive oil can work wonders in preventing tarnish. Apply a tiny bit to a cloth, buff your copper piece, and watch it shine. Plus, it’s all-natural, so no harsh chemicals here!

Keep It Dry, Keep It Safe

Tarnish thrives in moisture, so keeping your copper dry is key. After using your copper cookware, make sure it’s completely dry before storing it. For jewelry, remove it before swimming or showering to avoid prolonged exposure to moisture.

Hang ‘Em High: Proper Storage

Storing your copper items properly can make a world of difference. It is the best way to naturally prevent copper tarnish in this copper care guide. If you have copper pots and pans, hang them up instead of stacking them. Stacking can lead to scratches and moisture buildup, the perfect combo for tarnish.

For copper jewelry, consider individual pouches or compartments to prevent pieces from scratching against each other. To absorb excess moisture, You can add anti-tarnish strips or silica gel packets to your storage containers.

A Polishing Routine

Prevention doesn’t mean you can skip the occasional polish. Regularly gently wipe your copper items with a soft cloth to remove any potential tarnish buildup. It’s like a mini spa day for your copper – and who doesn’t love a spa day?

Don’t Overdo the Shine

While it’s essential to prevent tarnish, you don’t want to overdo it on the cleaning and polishing. Excessive cleaning can wear away the copper’s protective patina, leaving it vulnerable to tarnish. So, find that sweet spot between keeping it pristine and embracing a little patina.

A Final Note on Preventing Copper Tarnish

Preventing copper tarnish is the most essential preventative copper care, like a beautiful dance between you and your copper items. You can keep your copper shining brightly with a bit of care, some natural tricks, and a dash of regular maintenance. So, let your copper pieces bask in the spotlight, and enjoy their timeless beauty for years to come!

Caring for Copper Doesn’t Mean You Can’t Have Patina

One of the many beauties of copper is its color range. Copper comes in a bright form, an antiqued darker form, and everything in between. There is such a broad, beautiful range. Perhaps you like the darker form but found a piece of bright copper jewelry *ahem, from my shop. You can let it patina using the technique below to patina it to that perfect shade you adore, then use the cleaning coating techniques mentioned in this copper care guide to preserve its new shade.

How to Patina Copper


  • Clean Copper Piece
  • Household Ammonia
  • Soft Cloth or Sponge
  • Gloves


  • Start with a clean and polished copper surface. Make sure it's free from any dust, dirt, or oils. Wear gloves to prevent fingerprints and oils from transferring to the copper.
  • In a well-ventilated area, prepare a solution of ammonia and water. A typical ratio is 1 part ammonia to 3 parts water, but you can adjust the strength based on your preferences. Dip a soft cloth or sponge into the ammonia solution and gently apply it to the copper surface. You can also use a spray bottle to mist the solution onto the copper.
  • As the ammonia reacts with the copper, it will develop a patina. You can control the level of patina by adjusting the concentration of the ammonia solution and the duration of exposure. Monitor the copper closely to achieve a light patina with a shiny appearance. Once you notice the desired level of patina forming, you can stop the process.
  • To halt the patina development, you need to neutralize the ammonia. Prepare a solution of baking soda and water. Dip another clean cloth or sponge into the baking soda solution and gently wipe down the copper surface to neutralize the ammonia. This step also helps clean the copper.
  • Rinse the copper thoroughly with clean water to remove residual ammonia or baking soda. Dry the copper entirely with a soft, dry cloth.
  • Optional: To maintain a shiny appearance while preserving the patina, consider applying a sealant specifically designed for copper. This can help protect the patina and prevent further oxidation. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for the sealant application.


Over time, the patina on the copper may continue to develop. You can periodically repeat the process to control and enhance the patina while preserving the shiny areas.
Remember that the patina process may vary based on factors like humidity, temperature, and the composition of the copper. Experimenting on a small, inconspicuous area before treating the entire surface is a good idea. Wherever you do this, ensure you are in a well-ventilated area and wear gloves when working with ammonia. 
Please note that if you do not seal your copper, it will resume the patina reasonably quickly. Reserve the coloring through the sealant. Depending on the quality of the sealant will determine how long the color will stay.
copper accolades

The Last of the Copper Accolades

Copper, oh copper – an affection that knows no bounds. Your timeless allure never fails to captivate me. From your enchanting hue to your remarkable flexibility, you’ve given me the means to articulate my creativity through intricate artistry. Need I emphasize its sheer beauty?

If you are contemplating a particular jewelry piece (ahem, perhaps one gracing my shop) and uncertainty lingers like a gentle breeze, may this piece lend you insights to aid in your discernment.

Hopefully, this copper care guide helps you!