Crystal Infused Water: What’s So Great About Them?

When you think of crystal infused water, you automatically think of drinking the water. However, there are many types of water preparations, and the abilities you’ll learn can do much more than simply drinking water.

Crystal infused water can come from taking a bath, drinking, making a skin tonic, or even eye drops. The process of creation varies depending on the determined use. Crystal infused water can also be referred to as a crystal elixir. Use the water to craft it into another product, such as the skin tonic or eye drops mentioned above.

While you are eager to make your crystal infused water quickly, read closely about which crystals are safe to use and how to use them. Not every crystal is safe for consumption. Some may be only safe to place on your skin. There are even crystals that are not safe for skin or body absorption at all. Always remember to practice safely. To be able to stay safe, you need knowledge.

Learn how to use crystals for water infusion and which ones are safe.

crystal infused water

What’s So Great About Crystal Infused Water

There are so many types of crystals on this planet. Each crystal has its own unique properties and capabilities. This is due to their physical composition, which can vary because of how they naturally form. Like some crystals may include zinc in their natural composition, while others may not. 

The most considerable appeal of crystal infused water is the consumption’s positive impact on the body. Placing gemstones in water infuses it with that crystal’s energy and alters its overall structure: the water’s oxygen and pH levels change.

It is believed that the addition of crystals can increase oxygen concentration in your water. Increased oxygen levels can:

Increase the amount of oxygen in the blood. This can help with muscle fatigue. Try to drink after extensive muscle movements like exercise or packing and moving from one home to another. 

 Enhance alcohol metabolism. One of the side effects of alcohol is it deprives your liver of oxygen. Oxygenated water helps to replenish that oxygen.

According to a clinical trial published in 2005, there are no harmful effects observed from drinking oxygenated water.

Check out more here.

Adding crystals to your drinking water can improve its pH. Crystal water has an increased pH making the water more alkaline. Alkaline water has a pH greater than 7 and contains alkaline minerals. Possible benefits:

Antioxidants can provide anti-aging effects

Colon cleansing effects

Immune system support

Improved skin health

Body detoxification

How to Make Your Crystal Infused Water

There are two methods of creating crystal infused water, either directly or indirectly. Depending on the crystal dictates the method approach. For instance, garnet is not safe for consumption due to containing aluminum. Aluminum exposure at high levels is toxic to the human body. Being unable to control the exposure effectively makes this crystal a horrible choice.

Instead of placing the garnet directly into the water, you could choose the indirect method. For the indirect method, place the gemstone around the bottom of the water container. This allows the crystal’s energies to become absorbed by the water. 

Suppose you wonder how or why crystals have energies; check out my article HERE. In this article, I explain what crystals are in-depth for greater clarity.

There are endless possibilities on how to use crystal infused water. Add crystals to your bath water to create a soothing nutritious bath, a scented room cleansing spray, etc.

Before you do anything, check to see if the crystal is safe to place in water. If not, proceed with the indirect method.

How To

Use either spring water or distilled water. Stay away from purified or water that has added minerals.

Direct Method

  1. Cleanse and charge the crystal. Need any ideas for charging stations check out my soil, salt, or peach selenite charging station DIYs.
  2. Clean the crystal to remove dirt and impurities.
  3. Place crystal(s) into a glass container of choice. Pour the water into the container.
  4. Let the crystals soak for at least 12 hours in a spot that gets sunlight.
  5. Store the water in an air-tight container or bottle.

Indirect Method

  1. Cleanse and charge the crystal. Need any ideas for charging stations check out my soil, salt, or peach selenite charging station DIYs.
  2. Place crystal(s) into a clean small glass container.
  3. In a larger glass container, pour your water.
  4. Place the smaller container into the water of the larger container. Ensure the water level is low enough to not leak into the smaller container.
  5. Leave the crystals for at least 12 hours in a spot that gets sunlight.
  6. Remove the small glass container with the crystals from the water.
  7. Transfer water into an air-tight glass container or bottle for storage.

To keep for more than a week, add 50% alcohol to the crystal water. The ratio is 1:3. Store in a cool, dark place.

crystal elixir

Choosing Your Crystals for Your Crystal Water

Did you know some crystals can fight against viruses? How about crystals that do well against eye infections?

Did you know that crystals are insoluble while others are soluble? That can be the difference between being safe or accidentally ingesting something harmful. Knowing which crystals to use is crucial. The properties of crystals vary and, depending on their properties, dictate the energies. 

Let’s go over some crystals that are safe to be used to make crystal infused water and what they offer as a crystal elixir. All of the crystals mentioned below can be infused in water via the direct method.


  • Stimulates your digestive system and relieves gastritis
  • Cleanses the lymphatic system and the pancreas
  • Strengthens blood vessels and helps to heal skin disorders
  • Helps to relieve menstrual pain

Blue Lace Agate

  • Treats brain fluid imbalances and hydrocephalus

Moss Agate

  • Prevents hypoglycemia and dehydration
  • Treats infections
  • Combats cold and flu and lowers fevers
  • Works as an anti-inflammatory and reduces swelling in lymph nodes
  • When applied on the skin, it can treat fungal and skin infections


  • Corrects calcium issues such as deficiency and calcium deposits caused by metabolic deficiencies, making it beneficial for those experiencing osteoporosis
  • Slows tooth decay


  • Natural antibiotic
  • It can help heal wounds
  • strengthens mucus membranes, help with issues of the stomach, spleen, bladder, liver, and gallbladder

Yellow Apatite

  • Appetite-suppressant
  • When applied on the skin, it helps with cellulite


  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Helps to ease allergies, skin problems, and migraine headaches
  • Stimulates the metabolism
  • Lowers cholesterol


  • Helpful for menstrual problems 
  • Alleviates menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and fatigue by balancing the hormones


  • Alleviates headaches and pain


  • Potent against viruses such as colds, flu, and sinusitis
  • Regenerates mucus membranes and skin
  • Provides pain relief


  • Helps against insomnia. Sip about an hour before bed


  • Beneficial for psychiatric disorders and depression because it contains lithium (lithium is often used by doctors as treatment)


  • Relieves allergies
  • Strengthens immune system
  • Excellent for menopause
  • Relieves exhaustion, epilepsy, and Alzheimer
  • Relieves sciatica and neuralgia pain


  • Aids the digestive and reproduction system
  • Relieves PMS
  • Treats insomnia
  • Prevents sleepwalking


  • Relieves pain
  • Stimulate digestion
  • Detoxifies the body


  • Stimulates the immune system
  • Treats throat infections, stomach ulcers
  • Applied on skin: relieves inflammation, burns and sunburns, and stiff muscles


  • Relieves infections and migraines
  • Improves skin
  • Balances the thyroid

Crystal Infused Water Tips

  • Purchase genuine crystals! Don’t shop around for the cheapest or “best deal” crystals on the market. 
  • The reason is that if you are looking for a specific crystal for a particular purpose, you want the correct benefits. Also, you don’t want to buy a crystal that has been dyed. The dye used can leak into the water.
  • Make sure you have cleansed and charged the crystals before using them.
  • If you are trying to decide whether to use the direct or indirect method, use the indirect method. It is better to be safe than sorry.
  • Depending on the crystal-infused water’s purpose, it can be consumed or used on the skin. Research, research, research.
  • Remember to use only either distilled or spring water.